Editor, Daily Nexus,
In the Candidate’s Forum last week, I made the statement that I have not and would not receive contributions from developers or landlords. I further stated that if I had unknowingly received such a contribution, I would return the contribution.
Despite implications from my opposition as quoted in the Nexus, that is precisely what I have done. One of my strongest reasons for running for supervisor is the opportunity to represent UCSB and Isla Vista. My previous experience representing UCSB in the state Assembly has very well prepared me to be an advocate for the university. For four years, I worked to prevent any UC fee or tuition hikes, and I represented UCSB’s efforts to stop Mobil Oil’s Clearview Project near Sands Beach. I have fought for years to prevent any development in Ellwood or along the Gaviota Coast and will continue to do so. My long history of fighting for the university has demonstrated my ability to be a positive help to UCSB and the local community.
The 2002 Grand Jury Report called Isla Vista a “History of Neglect.” I will open an office in Isla Vista and actually implement provisions of the I.V. Master Plan instead of continuing the interminable planning process that began in 1970. Isla Vista needs new energy and creative, effective county help to improve our college town while maintaining its unique character. I very much look forward to being part of this positive future for I.V.
I hope the last few days of the supervisor’s race will focus on comparative visions for the future of UCSB and I.V. instead of misleading accusations and innuendo.