If you missed an event held Friday in Storke Plaza, you may have missed your only chance to play vagina-themed carnival games this year.
The campus and community came together to celebrate the Women’s Ensemble Theatre Troupe’s Second Annual Vagina Festival. Organizations including the Queer Student Union and several sororities participated in tabling and raising money to give to charity organizations stopping violence against women.
A pathway of paper vaginas led down the plaza steps to activities such as a “find the clit” bean bag toss, the consensual kissing booth and sales of snacks, including “tasty pussies” and “vagina cookies.”
“This whole day is to call attention to the fact that even if Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, we still need to be aware of violence against women,” WETT president and senior English and art history major Stephanie Griesmer said. “People think they know so much about it, but most people don’t really know.”
WETT, which raised about $900 on Friday through the sales of T-shirts, snacks, proceeds from carnival games and donations, gives the money it raises to three charities. AdCapp and C.A.L.M. are charities that aid children growing up with domestic violence, while the third charity, Missing and Murdered Women in Juarez, Mexico, was designated by Eve Ensler, author of “The Vagina Monologues.” The charity is based in Ciudad Ju