Editor, Daily Nexus,
I would like to reply to Justin Violini’s response to my letter about Janet Jackson’s recent exposure (“Maffet Makes Illogical Case Against Janet’s Titty Tease,” Daily Nexus, Feb. 9). For Justin’s information, I was not jealous of Janet’s breast. My letter was not about that, nor was it about “women sitting next to their unsatisfied men [who] were jealous of Janet’s knockers.”
My argument has nothing to do with jealousy, and I am upset that Justin so poignantly felt so when he does not know me – or my breast size.
It is true that today, women both in the media and on campus are objectified by what little clothes they wear. Anyway, if a Daily Nexus reader wants to find an image of Janet Jackson’s breast, he/she can do so very easily with an Internet search. It was not in my interest to find her breast in full close-up and repeated five times while reading the Nexus. So no, Justin, to your uninformed guess, I am not the woman sitting next to my unsatisfied man, jealous of Janet’s knockers.
Thank you, by the way, Justin, for referring to a woman’s breast in the very degrading term “knockers” and for the Daily Nexus’s title about “Janet’s Titty Tease.”