Feeling generous, Associate Students Finance Board gave out over $4,500 to one fraternity and three A.S. committees Monday night.
The board gave the A.S. Committee on Public Safety (C.O.P.S.) $320 for a Feb. 19 debate in Embarcadero Hall between the four candidates for 3rd District supervisor. Kristen Ditlevsen, A.S. Representative-at-large and Legislative Council liaison to C.O.P.S., said all four candidates were invited, and all said they plan to participate in the debate. A.S. Internal Vice President Denise Aceves supported the event, saying the office of 3rd District supervisor is important to all UCSB students.
“We all come in contact with Isla Vista at some point or another,” she said.
Ditlevsen said C.O.P.S. plans to have Spanish translator at the debate, and a meet-and-greet at Giovanni’s Pizza is also planned after the debate.
“Our hope is to get as many A.S. committees and boards involved as possible,” she said.
A.S. Academic Affairs Board was given $325 to fund furniture rental and paper duplication for the Department Fair it will be putting on Feb. 18.
“It’s for students looking for a major and for students to see what they can do with their major [after they graduate],” A.S. Academic Affairs Board Chair Laura Domingo said.
Another A.S. committee, Student Lobby, asked Finance Board to increase its operational budget for the year. Student Lobby Chair Fernando Ramirez, who also chairs Finance Board, temporarily relinquished his position on Finance Board to speak on behalf of Student Lobby. Ramirez said the increased budget would be used to send seven students, most of whom belong to A.S. committees and boards, to the National Grassroots Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. Students attending the four-day conference would learn to lobby local representatives and senators, Ramirez said.
The board allocated $2,100 to Student Lobby, pending Leg Council approval.
The only student group on the agenda, the Sigma Chi Omega fraternity, received $1,790 for its annual Multicultural Show in March.
All money allocated by Finance Board is tentative, pending Leg Council approval.