Wednesday’s meeting of the Associated Students Legislative Council resembled an episode of “Survivor” as the Leggies voted one of their own off of the student government island.
Glenn Wyatt, off-campus university housing representative, was not present at the meeting where, after a short deliberation, the council voted unanimously to remove him.
Internal Vice President Denise Aceves opened the motion to remove Wyatt and told the council to remain respectful, saying, “we’re all adults here.”
A few Leg Council members cited Wyatt’s failure to attend council meetings.
“He’s made no attempt to come to any of the meetings,” Off-campus Representative Andrea Wells said. “Obviously he isn’t representing his constituents, so I think he should be removed.”
After several other members spoke in agreement with Wells, Aceves brought the motion to a vote and the council voted unanimously to remove him.
Wyatt is the first member to be voted off of Leg in over a year, Aceves said.
A committee will be formed to hold interviews to appoint a replacement for Wyatt, whose removal also leaves an empty space on the Business Services Committee to be filled by a Leg member.
“He just didn’t have time for [Leg Council] this year,” Aceves said. “He was busy with his own activities, and we just need someone on board who can make the commitment.”
The next motion on the agenda called for the removal of Shanna Maschmeier, who has been absent from recent Leg meetings. Maschmeier had appointed a temporary replacement, or proxy member, to her position as off-campus representative while she takes a temporary leave of absence. A countermotion to not remove Maschmeier was presented by Adam Graff and passed without opposition, with three voters abstaining.
The council also discussed the Del Playa Drive cleanup activity they will be participating in on the Sunday following Halloween.