Editor, Daily Nexus,

This letter is in response to Thursday’s article “Tree-lovers Branch Out,” (Daily Nexus, Feb. 20) and to The Reader’s Voice letter “Isla Vista Redevelopment Is Nothing but a Heartbreak, Baby” (Daily Nexus, Feb. 20).

Both articles are a good representation of how Isla Vista overall despises SB County’s well-intended but ill-fated attempt to improve I.V. The trees are being removed to improve the sidewalks. There were signs posted next to the trees for about a month inviting the public to discuss the project, however no one objected. Students such as Peter and Joe can bitch about I.V. Redevelopment PAC all they want, but if they are active participants in the process they will make a more significant impact. I.V. residents and other interested parties who are concerned or curious about I.V. Redevelopment must attend its meetings. They are usually held twice a month on a Wednesday in I.V. Elementary School at 6:30 p.m. I.V. Redevelopment PAC and Gail Marshall’s office welcome student input, but only a handful of students attend the meetings.

One hundred sixty-six parking meters may be installed on Pardall Road and the Embarcaderos this summer. If a significant number of concerned residents attend the next few meetings then the parking meters will not be installed. I must note that the PAC and the public that attends the meeting are predominantly from the I.V. business community and I.V. landlord community. Therefore, any topics that are discussed are biased to the majority of those present at the meetings; the majority that comprises Isla Vista’s residents is significantly overlooked. Fortunately, one PAC member, Lou Ventura, the owner of Ventura Enterprises on Pardall, is against the parking meters. I welcome others to be active in local issues; just get involved earlier in the process so your enthusiasm will make a difference. For more info go to the website at www.islavistaplan.org.
