Editor, Daily Nexus,

This is in response to Jon Morin’s letter (Daily Nexus, “Sushi Teri Stinks Worse Than Any Raw Fish in the World,” Feb. 10, 2003). I’m sorry that you didn’t like the food you ordered last week, and I’m sorry the bag broke, which I’m sure must have put you in a bad mood. But don’t you think it would be just a tad bit more productive to have called or written to the manager of the restaurant instead of lambasting it for the whole campus to see?

It is a little saddening that you would put out such negative PR for a restaurant so new to Isla Vista. I know for a fact that there are plenty of people who enjoy the food served at Sushi Teri – they have three more locations in Santa Barbara and one in Carpinteria. I personally have started to recognize people who come in day after day – I just began working there part time, mostly because I have been a fan of the food for over a year. Yesterday I talked to a friend of mine who is abroad in England this year, and when I told her I was working there she was very excited that there’s now a Sushi Teri within walking distance of where she will be living next year. We think the food is great.

A business depends on the satisfaction of its customers; if the food is as bad as you claim, it won’t survive anyway. But if you so violently discourage others from trying it, it will fail sight-unseen. So when you order or buy something anywhere that isn’t what you were expecting, do the business a favor and tell them. Help them help you.
