Editor, Daily Nexus,
I guess it takes a woman writing about women to create even more contradictions and problems. I applaud Beth Van Dyke’s attempt to take a crack at the battle of the sexes (Daily Nexus, “What Women Really Want,” Jan. 29, 2003), which hasn’t seen a winner yet.
I have to say, though, I found a particular paragraph a little disturbing – the one about sexual favors, or even sex, that a guy gets guaranteed by performing services like buying you dinner or giving you a massage. I’d like to think that women, for the most part, base their coupling choices, whether it’s for one night or 15, on more than money and big hands.
Yes, sometimes we’re impossible, sometimes you just can’t do anything right for us, but please, what exactly did your article tell everyone? Maybe they would provide more clarity into issues like these if you had a little more respect for yourself. The girls I live with and socialize with aren’t like that, and neither am I. Hell yes, we’re complicated; I wouldn’t have it any other way. But we aren’t psychotic.
My boyfriend tells me when things are wrong. We have rational, enjoyable talks, and I don’t need to use manipulation, and he isn’t clueless about my feelings because we’re comfortable with each other. You belittle men to nothing but a sex drive, one that is resolved by magazines when we’re out of the house. Your status quo isn’t the same as mine, and maybe that’s both our faults, as women in the same community. But after reading your article, I don’t think so.