A public meeting to discuss the impacts of the possible modifications to Highway 217 will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 6 p.m. at the Goleta Valley Community Center at 5679 Hollister Ave.
At the hearing, the Goleta City Council will draw input from attendees regarding which potential impacts of the possible 217 changes they feel are the most important. The council is presently gathering information for the 217 draft Environmental Impact Report, which should be released in early 2003. Harry Nelson, co-chairman of the UCSB Highway 217 Review Committee, said the meetings would shape the direction of future discussion of the matter.
“If there is public input supporting alternatives to stoplights, then the council must at least discuss inclusion of those alternatives,” Nelson said.
The installation of stoplights, a roundabout and a full interchange are among the suggestions raised during past 217 meetings. Wednesday’s meeting will not be the only one discussing 217 concerns, so students unable to attend the meeting will still have opportunities to weigh in on the content of the draft EIR at future meetings.
– Nexus Staff Report