It’s time we stop, children, what’s that sound, everybody look what’s going down in Anisq’ Oyo’ Park this Saturday.
Four global studies students will host an anti-war concert from 1 to 9 p.m. in Anisq’ Oyo’ Park. The concert will include several local bands including Blue Room, Tame the Atom, Messengers and K the Band, as well as a dance performance from the Middle East Ensemble and several guest speakers.
After attending the Campus Community Peace Group teach-in at the MultiCultural Center on Oct. 29 and observing a low student turnout, junior Molly Hahn said she, along with sophomore Josh Gottlier, senior Tom Schrecker and senior Kristen Galbreath, was inspired to generate further student interest. Hahn said through music and art the four hope to draw students’ attention to current political issues like the possible war in Iraq.
“All four of us are rooted in the art and music scene in this area and feel very passionate about this issue. As musicians and artists, we view music and art as a unifying medium that can be utilized proactively in organizing events,” Hahn said. “The power of this form of expression is amazing.”
The concert will be sponsored by several UCSB faculty, lecturers and professors such as Bob Potter, Dick Flacks, Charles Bazerman and Delila Mosely, as well as on-campus organizations like the Student Action Forum on the Middle East. Other anti-war organizations supporting the concert are Not in Our Name, the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and Students for Peace.
Senior political science major Chris Mataoone and guitarist for the band Tame the Atom said his band is performing at the concert to help promote what he thinks is a worthy cause.
“We consider ourselves a politically active band,” he said. “This is for a good cause and we support any diplomatic means of resolving the war in Iraq.”
Hahn, Gottlier, Schrecker and Galbreath said they plan to further their initiative by forming their own on-campus organization that they will call the Coalition for Global Justice. Galbreath said that all those involved in this organization would hold equal power to enable collective decision-making. The group hopes to work with other on-campus organizations in creating future events to spread awareness of global injustices and instruct students on what they can do to make a difference.
“We wish to inform the public of the difference between what the government says the reasons for going to war are and the real economic motives behind the military operation,” Hahn said.
Galbreath said that the Coalition for Global Justice would not only focus on issues involving Iraq and the Middle East but will include other prominent global issues. They will stand as advocates for peace, nonviolent problem solving and anti-militarization. Schrecker said they would like to encourage people to challenge what they are told by the media and take the time to learn about things for themselves.
Hahn said that one does not have to be an expert to get involved but should take a stand against injustice through nonviolent protest.