Thursday, Nov. 14

You may not be familiar with her impressive work to date, including “Mi Vida Loca” (1994) and the first segment in Tarantino’s “Four Rooms” (1995), but tonight you can check out “Gas Food Lodging” (1992), directed by Allison Anders, when it screens in Campbell Hall at 7:30. Stick around for a Q & A afterwards. Also tonight, you can finally find out what an archaeoastronomer does (look at how the stars were studied by ancient culture) with Anthony Aveni at the SB Museum of Natural History. Stare at heavenly bodies at this event, also at 7:30. Call 682-4711 for more info.

Friday, Nov. 15

He picked up a guitar when he was six, started performing at 14 and won Seattle’s Jimi Hendrix Electric Guitar Festival at 17. Now, at 20, Corby Yates will entrance you with his much lauded guitar skillz when he performs at the Ventura Theater tonight. Tickets start at $15. Call 583-8700 for more info. “Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat? Wouldn’t you say…” – oh, our apologies. Just getting excited about Dos Pueblos High’s performance of “Once on This Island,” based on “The Little Mermaid.” Show starts at 7:30 p.m., with tickets at a mere $7. Call 968-2541 ext. 263, and ask for Clark, who’ll give you more info.

Saturday, Nov. 16

Who doesn’t love embittered British pub-crawlers who can carry a tune? Once an angry, post-punk, acid rocker, the legendary Graham Parker performs alongside country crooner Darden Smith at the Lobero Theatre tonight. Tickets start at $34.50. Call 966-4946 for more info. Also, the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, located at 1212 Mission Canyon Road, will hold a two-hour class on how to take gorgeous nighttime photos, including star trails and city lights. A 35mm camera, tripod and pre-registration are required. Starts at 7:30p.m. Call 682-4726 for more information.

Sunday, Nov. 17

Get your jewelry, carvings, clothing, masks, instruments and more at today’s Ethnic Art 2002 exhibition and sale, being held at the Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara, 1535 State Street. Artsweek suggests blowing on some Honduran pipes for starters. The exhibition runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Can you claim seven Grammys and collaborations with David Bowie, among numerous other A-list musicians? Didn’t think so. Lucky for you, Pat Metheny can. Along with his group, Metheny will make sweet, sweet love to his guitar by playing dramatic jazz in Campbell Hall tonight at 7. Tickets are $25, through Arts & Lectures.

Monday, Nov. 18

It’s about time you gave her something to talk about, don’t you think? Wear something flashy so that when Bonnie Raitt performs tonight in Cal Poly’s Performing Arts Center, she’s all a-chatter. Show starts at 8. Call 756-7222 for more info. Also tonight, the Associated Students Program Board sneaks “Friday After Next,” the third installment in Ice Cube’s series of 40s-and-blunt-fests that started with “Friday” (1995). With a Christmas theme, you’ll no doubt find plenty of ho-ho-ho jokes, but the best part is you can blow all your money on Phillies cuz it’s FREE! Stop by the A.S. ticket booth to pick up tix.

Tuesday, Nov. 19/Wednesday, Nov. 20

Flowing locks, smirking expressions, inhuman amounts of useless knowledge… yes, the Geeks, from Comedy Central’s “Beat the Geeks,” will be in their full glory tonight in Campbell Hall at 7:30. Audience members will be picked to take on Movie Geek and the other medallion-and-cloak-wearing
