Editor, Daily Nexus,
Congratulations on getting the Internet version of the Nexus up and running. Great to be able to read about UCSB from sources other than Details Magazine.
I’m a little disturbed to read that the water polo team is using the RecCen pool. The RecCen is chartered to be used for recreation, not for intercollegiate sports. The A.S. bylaws require the organization to oppose any use of the RecCen by intercollegiate sports, as follows:
A) The Associated Students does not recognize the right of intercollegiate athletic teams or community groups to use the Recreation Center facility at any time or under any conditions.
B) ASUCSB is opposed to and will not recognize any action by any person or body that negatively impacts the accessibility of the facility by students without the approval of the student populace gained through a campuswide election.
C) ASUCSB is opposed to and will not recognize any action by any person or body that calls for increases in the funding of the Recreation Center by students without the approval of the student populace gained through a campuswide election.
I just wanted to make the new A.S. reps aware of this and to let them know that one of main reasons that students in the mid-’90s passed funding for the RecCen was that we were promised that the building would be used only for recreation, not for intercollegiate competition. This needs to be nipped in the bud before the RecCen becomes the Events Center- a.k.a., Thunderdome. When was the last time you got to shoot around in that building?