Darwin will break bread with Jesus tonight in Corwin Pavilion.
Lectures about God, science and psychology will cap off the second year of a three-year forum at UCSB called Science, Religion, and the Human Experience. Lecturers Hilary Putnam and Bruno Latour will take the stage from 7 to 9 tonight and Friday night to discuss the relationship between science and religion.
Geology professor and SRHE organizer James Proctor said this week’s speakers are among the most prestigious to participate in the entire forum.
“Many people see science and religion as important authorities in helping us to make sense of our lives. It’s interesting to put it together and see what happens,” he said. “For our closing lectures we’re really trying to think philosophically about what we mean by science and by religion.”
Putnam, an emeritus at Harvard University, is a world-famous philosopher who studies realism and the nature of experience. His lecture tonight, “The Depths and Shallows of Experience,” will examine whether or not science and religion represent reality or beliefs that people create to answer questions about life.
“The problem with the textbook definitions of ‘science’ and ‘religion’ is that people rarely find those definitions either helpful or adequate [to describe] what they experience as scientific inquiry or religious living,” Putnam said. “Religious experiences are experiences all religious people, and even many non-religious people, have. … They are not normally experiences of supernatural events or beings, but experiences in which very ordinary things are seen as suffused with a special significance.”
Latour, a professor at the