I was dismayed to read the editorial from Yesenia and Shantel (“Funny, We Didn’t Order AppeThai’s Discrimination Platter,” Feb. 26) about their experience of discrimination at AppeThai. It is discouraging and sad that a restaurant in a college community of over 20,000 students (which I believe overall has created a genuine feeling of diversity and acceptance), feels that it can afford to discriminate against these two women. Well, let’s see if the restaurant can afford to discriminate against all of us. To show that we do not condone discrimination against our students, or anyone else for that matter, I propose that we all – students, faculty, staff, and other members of the community who believe that discrimination is wrong – boycott AppeThai, and show them we do not approve of their actions.

And to Yesenia and Shantel, I am sorry that your experiences so far at UCSB have not been all positive, and I hope they will improve.

