Editor, Daily Nexus,

Supposing the recall of 3rd District Supervisor Gail Marshall succeeds and the election occurs in August. Does this mean you, the college student, will be disenfranchised? Not by any means. The right to vote depends only on citizenship and registration status. One’s whereabouts at the time of the election should not interfere with one’s right to vote. You have the right to vote by mail with an absentee ballot. You can have this ballot sent anywhere: to your parents’ house, to the hotel you’re staying at while on vacation, even outside the country. As long as the ballot is postmarked by the day of the election it will be counted.

I enjoin all UCSB voters to vote by mail when out of town. Being away is no excuse to not participate in the electoral status. It is your duty as citizens of a democracy. Absentee ballots can be obtained by contacting the county registrar of voters at (805) 568-2216.

