A.S. President

Don’t let either his name or appearance fool you; Mad Cow is serious about the A.S. presidency. The Nexus editorial board met Mad Cow last year when he ran for the same position. At that time, we felt he was unprepared to take on the role of A.S. president. However, Mad Cow spent a year researching the requirements for the position and this year has shown himself to be the most charismatic presidential candidate and best suited for the job. Mad Cow offers limited working experience with A.S., but he more than compensates for this with his intelligence, sensitivity and integrity.

Mad Cow has worked on many charitable projects in the community. Most notably, he founded a program benefiting poor and homeless people, which started in Santa Monica and has now spread throughout L.A. County.

Mad Cow has a realistic understanding of A.S.’s role at this university. He knows there is little chance of motivating all students to get more politically involved. Instead, he plans to reach out to underrepresented groups on campus and create greater A.S. visibility through concerts and Isla Vista community projects.

If elected, Mad Cow has vowed to use the tuition honorarium – which every executive officer receives – to fund financially needy groups in the community.

The Daily Nexus strongly endorses Patrick “Mad Cow” Schanes-Gallagher as your first choice for A.S. President.

Bill Flores offers significant A.S. experience. Currently, he is an off-campus representative for Legislative Council. He was the co-founder of the Commission on Disability Access and is a strong advocate for creating a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender minor at UCSB. Flores’ catch phrase is, “Taking action, attaining access.” He is passionate about providing equal access to educational opportunities for every student on this campus.

Flores is running on the Student Action Coalition party ticket. Consequently, if Flores is elected he is likely to work effectively with our endorsed candidates for EVPLA and EVPSA – also running under SAC.

The Daily Nexus strongly endorses Bill Flores as your second choice for A.S. President.

A.S. Internal Vice President

Cameron Ahler has limited experience with A.S. However, this is one of his more attractive qualities. The Nexus does not believe the internal vice president needs to be groomed for the job to serve effectively. Ahler is not a member of the A.S. “club.” And this is an attribute likely to improve the role of IVP next year. While Ahler is not fully versed in the intricacies of parliamentary procedure, he will maintain order during unbearably long Leg Council meetings. Perhaps he may even reduce the length of these meetings.

The IVP must be a decisive and authoritative figure. Ahler is unlikely to allow meetings to deteriorate into self-serving diatribes. He has expressed a desire to avoid excessive use of position papers on issues of little relevance to students. Ahler would like to see greater enforcement of the time limits on Leg Council speakers, while still allowing free and open speech. Ahler also understands and accepts a very important attribute of the IVP position: neutrality.

Ahler has many outside interests – he is an avid lacrosse player. If elected, however, Ahler has vowed to prioritize this position above all other extracurricular pursuits.

The Daily Nexus strongly endorses Cameron Ahler as your first choice for A.S. Internal Vice President.

Associated Students External Vice President for Statewide Affairs

The highlight of Eneri Rodriguez’s campaign platform is her devotion to bringing next year’s annual Students of Color Conference to UCSB. Running under the banner of the Student Action Coalition, Rodriguez’s campaign focuses on increasing the amount of diversity within the UC System and “outreaching” to students. Such claims often run unsupported by any tactical agenda, yet Rodriguez brings a specific and attainable goal to the table – a highly publicized and successful event that draws students from across the state. In addition to being a quantitative step towards diversity, the occasion will present an opportunity for Rodriguez to establish relationships with other campus representatives.

Such alliances are necessary if the EVPSA is to successfully lobby the student sentiment before the UC Board of Regents. Rodriguez has attended Regents meetings in the past and has a good understanding of their basic mechanics. At the state level, the repeal of SP-1 and SP-2 are Rodriguez’s most coveted goals. However, although Rodriguez is doing well to keep with specific items, it is likely the Regents will overturn these policies before her term begins at the end of Spring Quarter. There is no reason to doubt her abilities, but Rodriguez must begin to address larger considerations, including Prop 209, which was passed by California voters in 1996. Furthermore, Rodriguez must expand her knowledge of other statewide issues in order to be successful.

Rodriguez has spoken about the burden of financial aid to students as well as the weight of a massive influx of students, dubbed Tidal Wave II, on the UC system. She must follow her own good lead and develop specific courses of action.

The Daily Nexus strongly endorses Eneri Rodriguez for EVPSA.

Associated Students External Vice President for Local Affairs

As a member of the Student Action Coalition, Ana Rizo’s political focus centers on issues of local diversity and “outreaching” to students and community members. Rizo relies a little heavily on these buzzwords and is weaker on specifics than running mate Eneri Rodriguez, but remains qualified for the position.

Rizo currently sits on A.S. Leg Council and has extensive experience with the local community. She has worked with El Congreso, the Isla Vista Tenants Union and is well connected to the local Chicano/Latino community. She has organized food drives and tabling, assisted with the D
