Editor, Daily Nexus:

Hmmm … I wonder where the Nexus is going to lend its support in this year’s A.S. elections? Actually, with this paper it’s never too hard to figure out questions like this. It’s quite obvious to the readers that the Nexus is already flagrantly biased in the upcoming election as, according to Monday’s Staff Editorial (Daily Nexus, “How to Choose?” April 9), the only political party running this year that is worth voting for is the Student Action Coalition. What was the reason the staff gave for making such a bold statement? Well, according to them, this is the only party with an established agenda. Yet, from what I recall, the only party to have mentioned a platform is the Gauchoholics, with their established 12-step program on why they should be in office. The other parties, unfortunately, do not have a platform and therefore cannot be held accountable for anything if they are elected. But I guess this is the continuing pattern that this school is stuck with, right? They elect the same type of people over and over again, year after year – people who tend to not bring up real student issues but instead try to fix the wages of city workers, lend support for a boycott in a different county and end military practices in a different country, or even, as the Nexus so cleverly put it in the April Fools’ issue on April 2, end world hunger. The Nexus always has time to make Associated Students look bad and maybe it’s because they’re just reporting the facts. Maybe that’s why they’ll obviously be supporting social justice parties this year, just like every other year … so that they can be guaranteed some good anti-A.S. headlines every week.

