Pollock Theater Screens Canadian Film ‘Monsieur Lazhar’

Grief, depression and dealing with death are never easy things to come to terms with, especially when you’re young. What makes the film “Monsieur Lazhar” — one of Canada’s contenders for Bes...
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Raised by Popular Culture: Tucker and Dale Take Fight Bad Cinema

Drop everything you’re doing and see this movie right now. It’s awesome. It’s hard to describe exactly why this film is so special. For starters, it has a one-note premise. A bunch of dumb, drun...
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Artsweek Wants You … to Watch Foreign Films

When people think about foreign films, there seems to be a lot of derision towards them: “I don’t like subtitles,” “Dubbing sounds weird,” “Only pretentious hipsters would watch them,” e...
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Take a Course in Laughology

Stand-up comedy is not easy. It’s one of those art forms which seems readily accessible to anyone not already embedded in that world. “I can just go up on stage and say stuff? What’s so hard abo...
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Raised by Pop-Culture: Why Remakes are Good

I don’t understand why everyone has such a hard-off for remakes. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard: “Hollywood is running out of ideas,” “Why can’t Hollywood be original anymore...
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Raised by Popular Culture: The Worst Movie of 2011

Confession time: I don’t see a lot of movies out in theaters. Tickets are expensive, I am poor and I’m also terrible at torrenting, so I am selective about what movies I see on the big screen. Wha...
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‘Raised by Popular Culture’: The Three Worst Christmas Films to Ruin Your Holiday Spirits

Well, the holidays are just around the corner, and I don’t know about you, but I’m not looking forward to this season. When I think of Christmas, I think of family — and by that I mean drinking,...
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Heroes: The Good, the Bad and the B-List

I’ve always felt that when you watch a movie, read a book or listen to music, you are always moved on an almost unconscious level. I don’t mean movies or songs that you remember or that changed yo...
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‘Cinematic Titanic’ Brings MST3K’s Wit to Different Arena

There are certain things that just don’t work on the stage, (like “Spider Man” or Dane Cook). So I was feeling a bit of trepidation as I sat in Campbell Hall, waiting for my heroes of “Mystery...
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Cult Sci-Fi Leader Joel Hodgson to Take Masterpieces from Screen to Stage at UCSB

The cult sci-fi show “Mystery Science Theater 3000” is about a man named Joel Robinson (played by series creator Joel Hodgson) and his two robot friends (Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo) who are all s...
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“Raised by Pop Culture”: The Worst Horror Films

Horror movies suck. Not to say there haven’t been good horror films over the years — “The Exorcist,” “Poltergeist” and “Alien” come to mind — but, by and large, the vast majority of ...
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Why Popular Culture is Actually… Cultured

The term “pop-culture” seems to have a lot of negative connotations associated with it. Many think that “Jersey Shore,” Justin Bieber and the “Transformers” films are emblematic of pop-cul...
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Raised by Pop Culture: Why Everyone Should Know About ‘Mystery Science Theater 3000’

Ever watch a terrible movie with friends? Isn’t that experience sometimes better than watching a good film with them — everyone just sitting around, lobbing jokes at the shoddy production values, ...
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Clooney and Gosling Bring ‘Ides’ to Big Screen

George Clooney is a white Obama. That’s essentially the plot of “Ides of March,” the new film adapted from Beau Willimon’s play Farragut North. While the stage play, written in 2008, was loose...
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Why Music Fans are Inherently Terrible

When you’re talking to someone about what kind of music you like, it can be as treacherous as bringing up politics or religion. Most people hold the music they enjoy as sacred, and many do so to the...
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