The Isla Vista Recreation and Park District is seeking volunteers to participate in the 10th annual Adopt-A-Block Halloween cleanup Oct. 29 and Nov. 4 to brace for and subsequently tackle the seasonal influx of trash.

The Adopt-A-Block program is sponsored by the Goleta West Sanitary District, the Santa Barbara County Redevelopment Agency and various local businesses to involve volunteers to help reduce waste pollution in the community. Assemblymember Das Williams — who represents the 35th Assembly District, including Isla Vista —will attend next Friday’s cleanup to work alongside volunteers and meet with residents.

According to Adopt-A-Block Supervisor Lauren Ward, the “HalloClean” events aim to minimize the weekend festivities’ impact on the region’s environment.

“Our main goal is that the party waste doesn’t pollute our school, environment, beaches and oceans,” Ward said. “We are open to groups, individuals or anyone that can come out and help us.”

Ward said volunteers from the Adopt-A-Block program have gathered a total of 61,723 buckets of trash since 1996 and actively contribute to the effort each year.

“About 100 to 200 volunteers came out last year,” Ward said. “We are hoping to get that number if not more this year to help clean our community.”

Volunteers will receive free T-shirts as well as coupon giveaways from the Isla Vista Food Co-op, SB Menus and the Associated Students Isla Vista Community Relations Committee.

I.V. Food Co-op General Manager Melissa Cohen said the market provides food and special deals to encourage student participation in the annual street scouring.

“We sponsor with coupons and usually with snacks,” Cohen said. “[Adopt-A-Block] is a great way to come help make our community clean and also save money on your whole foods shopping.”

The Adopt-A-Block program also collaborates with university sponsors to promote safe celebrations during Halloween weekend in Isla Vista.

A.S. External Vice President of Local Affairs Tim Benson said his office helps educate I.V. residents about ways to handle the holiday’s possible hazards.

“We want to promote students to talk to the right people and get the word out that they need to be safe,” Benson said. “As our saying goes, we like to ‘keep it local, keep it safe.’”

In addition to its HalloClean events, Adopt-A-Block also hosts periodic cleanups of Isla Vista’s streets and beaches. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, email
